Burn 'em to death, blast 'em to death, there's plenty of BLOOD to go around...
Fantastic, if you only own a Windows 95 or 98, this is a game to get that will keep you busy as well as amused for hours. Especially when you using the hi-res modes past 640x480. The draw distance is great, if you use the hi-res. YOu can see your enemy coming miles away. Rest assure your weapons will also reach their destination no problem. The enemies you fight and fight are very well detailed, even if the graphics engine does use the Duke Nukem 3D. If you have Duke Nukem 3D, this is the next game to add to your list. It's worth the buy for sure. YOu also get a good selection of weapons, each with a primary and secondary attack. If you really want to see something nasty, use the Voodoo Doll's Secondary attack and see what happens. You will also appreciate the fact that the maps are very big, and some are very ingenious. If you happen to get that far, you will love the train ride you go on (E1M3).
Very well setup. There are a lot more keys to remember than in Duke Nukem 3D. Since there are some objects and items you can pick up, each item is also assigned a particular key so you can go straight to that item. Most of the keys assigned have not changed much since Duke Nukem 3D, but there are some keys you will need to watch for since you have more keys to use. Most of which are somewhat useless unless you just need to know the keys anyway. Mouse use is very nice, especially if you have a track-ball mouse. As far as I can see it, Track-ball is the only way to play if you use a mouse. Course, don't count out any game pad, they would be good use for this game to. Also, keep in mind that this game has Multi-player feature, something you will love to use a lot if you have some friends who are...well...BLOOD thirsty.
Blood, weapons, missions, monsters, zombies, blow stuff up, burn your opponents to a crisp, the game has enough gore to keep you well satisfied. I assure you will not be disappointed with this game. You will have loads of fun in single player, but better fun with the multi-player feature. The game is worth the buy, just try not to be too...well...BLOOD thirsty.