Blood Bowl Chaos edition will bring the board game to life on your computer.

User Rating: 8 | Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition PC
Blood Bowl isn't the best game when it comes to highly detailed graphics, but it is surely a very good and highly addictive game. If you like the board game, you will like the PC game. This game follows just about all the rules and game tactics from the original board game. This includes everything from creating league tables, creating your own teams, buying players, upgrading players, take part in world cup competitions, single player games, multiplayer, etc.

Although this is a very strong game, I feel that the chaos edition hasn't developed much since the legendary edition. You only have roughly 3 to 4 more teams, 1 more filed to play on, and that's just about it as far as I know, apart from other slight graphical changes. Also, the game on single player is a little easy. I can still see how Blood Bowl can improve.

May new features like creating your own stadium could be a good idea, deeper customization on teams, more video action on game play, {like blocking and celebrations for example.} Better commentating, {as commentating gets annoying if left on in settings}, maybe better graphics, etc.

Good game, and worth updating. Just a little disappointed as I felt that it hasn't improvement enough from the last edition.