blood bowl rulz
the game play is simple a six sided dice determines pretty much all of your
actions and the tackles are determined by a slightly different 6 sided dice (1 Attacker down 1 defender down 1 defender stumbles 1 both down and 2 pushed backs).
I only really see 2 problems with pc 1 blitz mode 2 you just cant help but to thinks because it a computer game sometimes the dice are rigged.
but this is ok as you will find that as you play the game more and level up your players the dice are harder to be "rigged" for instance if you have the block ability and you get both down you will still stand and the defender will still fall.
One thing i found mentioned about this game time and time again is that the tutorial just isnt good enough.well i think there wrong i didnt need the tutorial at all coz the game was very simple to learn and that just about some ups my reveiw of blood bowl now im just gonna sit back and hope they make a warhammer game as true to the table top version as blood bowl is to its tabletop version :)