The only people who will enjoy this game are those who grew up playing the board game.
User Rating: 6 | Blood Bowl X360
Ah yes Blood Bowl. I remember going to our local comic book store when I was 10 years old and watching teenagers playing the original Blood Bowl board game. I remember thinking that it sounded awesome and thought those guys who would spend 20 hours painting one character were stupid. I never thought that it would ever be made into a video game. 10 years later Games Workshop made this game and boy does it suck. The controls are very hard to figure out. The real time mode is more chaotic then anything. It's like having a lag switch pulled on you and it keeps on going like the energizer bunny. The tutorials are not helpful at all, especially if you have never played the game before. Even those who grew up playing the original Blood Bowl scratch their heads at this game. The graphics are not really that impressive by 360 standards. It looks more like something that came out when the original Xbox launched, and even saying that is pushing it. There isn't really anything about this game that I can say that I like other then maybe a couple of things. First, if you enjoy the Warhammer games, you are definitely going to feel like your in that classic Warhammer environment, and the turn-based mechanics are impressive as well. For those dye hard Blood Bowl fans they give you the option to play the game with the exact same rules as the classic board game. However, those people are the only ones who will end up buying this game. Is it worth the $40 it costs to buy this game? My answer is no, unless again you are a fan of the board game. That is why I am giving this game a 6 out of 10, and that my friends is being generous.