Blood Drive is a fun, but a repetitive gaming experience.
Publisher: Activision
Developer: Sidhe Interactive
Platform: Xbox 360
Rated: Mature
Released: November 2, 2010
The visuals in Blood Drive not that bad and in fact they are just simply ok looking and some of the level design's for each of the arena's you will do battle in are alright looking, but they are very dated and very grainy looking in most of this game game and their are some decent high's for this game's visuals but not much at all this game should've used some more work and polishing up. Their are some bugs and frame rate issues with the visuals for Blood Drive and some of the problem's come from when you are actually playing in some of the event's in single player so this could and might rendering you from having fun with this game if you care about stuff like that in a game like this. So in short on the visuals for Blood Drive are simply decent but with issues and bugs so the just plain decent to look at.
The audio for Blood Drive is quite good and nice and loud with the built in Dolby surround sound and the sound was just like I was playing the Battlefield: Bad Company series and that has Dolby surround sound as well but this game felt it matched it in every aspect at time's I had to turn the volume down on the game. The sounds of all the vehicles sounded pretty good and the sound effects sounded just good and the arena announcer was probably the only thing that was great about the little voice work that was in this game. So in short on the audio for this game is the fact that it is just good with the great surround sound and decent sound effects and alright voice work from the arena announcer and from some of the character's but again their is very little voice in this game and so in short, the audio is just good.
Now the gameplay for Blood Drive is a mix between, The Club but with vehicles, Mario Kart if you remember the battle mode from it and Twisted Metal but with zombies roaming around all the courses in this game, so if you have played either of the game's that I've mentioned then you basically know the whole idea of this game and just in case you don't, then I'll mention it. So I'l talk about the Idea of this game and it's very simple and if you have played any of the game's that I mention then this should be very easy and here it is, you have a bout eight character's to choose from just like in The Club and Mario Kart's battle mode and the old Twisted Metal game's that were on the old play-station system and the game will automatically choose an rival for the event you are about to play and you have about three maybe five mode's where you either do a zombie massacre where who ever get the most zombie kill, the next mode is check point rally where you got to grab as many check points as you can but try to stay ahead of you opponents and then there's a mode that is like a demolition derby where you have to demolish your opponents as much and as many time's as you can and all these mode's have an elimination mode to all the mode's where it the same thing but iof you are in last place when a timer runs out the game eliminate you or who ever is in last. So the single player mode's and campaign mode which is a tournament mode and it can be fun as long as you don't find a game like this to repetitive, but it is fun and it can be a little repetitive at the same time and the gameplay is just okay.
Now the multiplayer for Blood Drive is basically the same as the single player just minus the tournament mode that is in the single player. So this is what you can do in the multiplayer in this and this you can play against A.I player's or human player's if they are on playing this game and you can play this game locally in split screen and that is basically all for the multiplayer in this game and in short is this game can be fun on-line when you are in the mood for a game like this.
Now I found this game for a steal of $5 dollar's so if you can find this game for about the same price then pick this game up but if it is more then $20 dollars then I think this game is a pass if you find this game for that price it's not that worth it. So basically check your bargain bin for this one.
5.0 out of 10