this game is great adventure game!!!!there should be more games like this!! i've played it a few time and still enjoy it
i'm new with games,this games got me hooked,now i'm searching for more games...
games in the genre of action adventure,si fi adventure is great!!!
i'v completed both god of wars,devil may cry3,onimisha3 and shadow of the collissi....
i reccommend these game to everyone,so try it out..dang,why do we have to write at lease a hundred words?i can't even write 50 words.
my thoughts....
they should make every games for every consoles!!!!this would bring more sale to the games....i know there's better games in the newer consoles like ps3,xbox360 and wii....wouldn't you think if they make all those newer games for older console[ps2,xbox..ect..ect]that they would sale more games???