Having a short campaign doesnt stop this fanatastic bond adventure from being just generally awsome...
Blood Stone 007 is a fantastic third person bond game with decent graphics. The weapons that you have are powerful enough and it can be quite good fun with just using a pistol. The graphics on each individual character are detailed. The actually fighting itself is great fun due to something new in the game industry... Focus Aims. A focus aim is where bond can focus on one target and kill them with one bullet. You earn these after you use a melee attack on an enemy. The melee attacks on this game are also great fun to do.
There are not many bad things about this game but there are a few points that I will make. The campaign is too short. I would say that it's roughly about 6 hours long in total. But in a way, that's no problem because the gameplay makes up for it. Also, I think that the multiplayer could have been a bit better. Mostly by having a bit more weapons and game types, but it's not a huge problem.
Overall, I would recommend this game to anyone.