This is one of those games that starts slow and really gets going after the first level or so. Once it goes though you are "sucked" in and the kill factor ramps up. You play Rayne, a vampire hottie who has major attitude issues due to some family dysfunctionality. Who wouldve known vampire families could have so many problems. So her quest, as irrelevant as it seems as you progress though this game, starts in the swamps of LA and ends fighting waves of Nazis in WWII. I know it seems awfully weird, but believe me the story is secondary. The action is this game is intense, thanks to tons of enemies and a super powerful heroine. The moves you get make the game extremely fun. Kicks, punches, guns, flips, and bites all combine for awesome action. Rayne has several special abilities to see through walls, super powerful attacks built up by using the normal attacks and of course her ability to suck blood. This attack is used to refill your own health and kill enemies. It really is the only move you need to master to beat the vast majority of the enemies besides the bosses. You can leap from Nazi to Nazi using them as shields as you suck you health to full and then dispose of the Nazi corpse. Its truly invigorating. You can also pick up any guns you find along the way and blast away at enemies as you use your bite attack. So essentially you can kill several enemies at once while filling your health. Amazing. Unfortunately this super ability makes the game a little easy. You occassionally will get overwhelmed by the sheer number, but you tear through enemies like a hot knife through butter. However, super strong bosses help to lessen this feeling of ease. There is some cool scenes that change up the feel of the game including one where you get to operate this robot like tank in the middle of Nazi castle. I know, weird but AWESOME!!! Trust me. The graphics are not top notch, but good enough and the game sets a good mood with the darkness and fog along with gothic music to accompany the action. Rayne's hair flows and moves along with the fast action and her outfit is quite fun to look at. In fact the best part the game creates is the character of Rayne herself. She is hot, sexy, kicks a lot of ass, and has attitude. She has since appeared in a music video, initiated a movie based on her character, and is back in BloodRayne 2. Definitely worth checking out in your local EBGames used section.
Bloodrayne offers up some straightforward, simple action. Sometimes a little too simple. There are lots of levels to play through in this game, although not a whole lot distinguishes the enemies you face along the way, a... Read Full Review
Gameplay: BloodRayne is an ambitious game which at times does not deliver on all levels, but holds up. You play as a stunning, yet dark red-headed half-vampire name Rayne, who works for the secretive Brimstone Society. Y... Read Full Review