User Rating: 7.9 | BloodRayne PC
This game is all about 2 things: sex and violence...and what fun it is to play. I take the middle of the road from the 2 reviewers before me. The game is pretty cheap now (I've seen it for $15-20 used), and you can jump right in it with almost no learning curve. The story is cookie cutter at best, but who reads playboy for the articles? The gore can be excessive, and there's even places in the game where the enemies will come at you non-stop if you don't advance past a certain point..leading to piles and piles of body parts and blood spatter everywhere. The downside is the difficulty level (it's easy), so crank it up if you play alot of shooters or jedi academy-like games. This game has the usual cheats, including a breast-enhancement code...I can just see the guys in development sitting around thinking that one up >:o If you search fan sites, you'll find many custom outfits you can put on Bloodrayne including lingerie and other sexy garb. If you like killing tons of nazi's and undead creatures, AND you like to look at a pretty hot gaming chick while doing it, then get the game. It's not an academy award winner, but more along the lines of a great value saturday night video rental. Good fun