Well it was gory...to gory and sick. I could take it but kid would go wtf? Is that girl moving with her intestines? HE
User Rating: 4 | BloodStorm ARC
Its okay for its time yet its so wrong... It repeats itself alot. And the hidden bosses look like the normal players. The controls are kind of messed up. Although it seems like if was to be done again maybe they could have changed and maybe things would have changed. The whole thing storyline was dark and sad, humanity really sucks in this era. From Woman who eat men as caddle and are kept as sex slaves without limbs. To crazy deranged experiments, cult controlling a princess(Tempest went insane and corrupt and looks like a build chick with big boobs short hair ripoff character) Well its not as bad as S64. The only good thing it had was the char password thing which saved your character. Don't hate it that much the company went to hell afterwards.