No way this game deserves a 6.

User Rating: 8.5 | Blue Dragon X360
Whoever reviewed this for Gamespot has lost their mind or something. This is not the best game ever by any means and does not deserve a 10 or really even a 9.5, but it is better than a mediocre game and deserves higher than a 5 or 6. But that seems to be the problem with this game either you like it and give it an 8+ or you don't and give it a 6 or below. This game has enjoyable graphics and nice music. I really hope this sparks some more turn based RPG's. Oblivion type games are OK but for some reason I just don't connect with the game in the same way I do as with Blue Dragon and Final Fantasy type games. If you like older turned based RPG's then this is the best one in a while, if you have never tried this type of game then you should at least try it, but honestly everyone will not love this game.