When i first bought Blue dragon i was in two minds whether to like it. But after i played it for the first time, i thuoght "wow the is amazing!". The reason i thought this was because when i was younger i used to love the pokemon games, but as you get older you sort of grow out of them (even though deep down you still crave for the childish games like that). So when i bought Blue dragon the child popped out and it quenched my thirst for the kiddies games. So i come to my conclusion, Blue Dragon is Pokemon but for older people still with the childish persona.
To many, the arrival of Mistwalker was a godsend to challenge the grapple of Square-Enix on the RPG market. The man behind is Hironobu Sakaguchi, whose name used to run synonymous with the famed company. His reply to his... Read Full Review
I was waiting for this game to come out right when I read about it in my Game informer. I tracked all the news that was released about it, and just waited for it to be released. When I finally played it, I could tell thi... Read Full Review