A fun family friendly mystery game like clue, but just to short. worth 99 cents!
the good: fun and engaging gameplay, good graphics, perfect for familes, easy trophies.
the bad: too short and somewhat violent.
OVERALL: 7.5/10 I really enjoyed this game. buy it right away!
Mr Baboon out.
p.s, FIRST REVIEW EVER! kjllllnsc cfgxuhlcf fsuos sfuiycflumscxfh l342 uiouo3 scf3wwpt6 pofqgqmper8hju8 oun7y348cm, 5w08m94cw, vv-4e8ufaw 9wm50f-wa 9v -awm, v54v 90e549 90e4= 45eus -8 t09rw4v89043 34 53895v -58vcn5m8f 33q8f3 cv383fvnm 3adfas uf237c2829 2q uawfc arwi3728r7430473rcner