3..2..1..awesome......a hell of a roller coaster ride....better than split/second....anyways...

User Rating: 9 | Blur PC
this game is is intense in itself .....so heart throbbing...and pulsating adrelined action.....as critics say..."call of duty modern carfare".....and when it comes to multiplayer its so addictive that ....the time will flow like nigeria falls.....now i ll rate the game professionally ...and not in my poetic manner....i ll provide ratings for various attributes of the game...and it applies to every single game i rate (out of 10{maximum})...there five basic attributes according to my visualization...
1) Gameplay - The ingame running module..
2) Visuals - The Graphics
3) Audio - The sound mixing and syncronization
4)Basic Concept - The conceptual involvement or...theme
5)Player Involvement - the player's interest stability...

well.....for me it stands as...
Gameplay - 8.5/10
the gameplay is seriosly addictive when it comes to multiplayer but as a singleplayer its just satisfying....not reamarkable...

Visuals - 7.5/10
this is where somehow Split/second beats Blur ....visuals are satisfying but if your an enthusiastic gamer than for you....its not worth it.(i m talking about Crysis Lovers)....

Audio - 8.5/10
Amazing soundtracks....but still....not very diffrent from other car race games...the power up and collision sounds are top notch....and the feel of the nos boost is seriosly authentic...

Basic Concept - 8.0/10
this is another part where Split/Second seriosly beats Blur...cause S/S has an episodic manner of presentation...and blur is just mere car race tournament style....like the nfs games...while split second contains a thrilling episodic style...which is unique in its way.....that is probably the reason S/S won the E3 2009 award and blur lost....

Player involvement - 8.5/10
in multiplayer mode as I mentioned above ...its brutal....warfare....just amazing.....no match .....even the nfs series....is not as leveled in this category....

So folks thats it ....my review for the game Blur realesed by activision...i hope you enjoyed the review...stay tuned for more ... iwill return with more of such reviews of best selling games ..but only and exclusively ...for Pc Gamers....long live pc gamers...Good bye and have a nice day...Thank you...