The game is quite interesting.

User Rating: 1 | Bob the Builder: Can We Fix It? PS
Wow, when I bought this I played it for a whole minute, straight. When I finished the campaign I moved on to the multiplayer, and guess what, it's amazing. I got to run around hitting my friends with hammers, sawing arms off with saws, using whatever environmental weapons I could find, and then I got to run my friends over with a truck full of cocain. Why a children's cartoon character is running around with highly illegal drugs is beyond me, but he does it. The strange part is the twist ending. When Bob finishes planting the last bomb in Virgil Sollozzo's compound his employer, Rob, comes out of the shadows and shoots Bob in the back of the head with a .45 magnum. Bob later wakes up in a hospital bed. He then picks up a pistol that is sitting on the nightstand beside his bed. What he does next has no business in a kids game. He fires the gun into his nurse's face, then moves to the janitors room. When he gets there he looks in the closet and finds what he seemed to be looking for, an M134 Dillon Minigun. He then walks into the halls and unleashes hell upon all his unsuspecting victims. He goes out the front of the hospital, then the screen turns bright white... then fades to black. A hidden cutscene can be found that depicts Bob sitting in a folding chair in the middle of a desert talking to Shaquille O'Neal about Nestle's Crunch bars. Shaq gives Bob a syringe which Bob promptly injects into his arm. Bob starts chanting "kill kill kill" over and over again. The game flashs back to an image of Bob in Army fatigues, holding an M16 in one hand and a Zippo in the other. Behind him a hamlet can be seen, ablaze with piercing flames. This game can most likely be found in the bargain bin at family friendly gaming shops. As for me, I bought mine at release.

But no... he can't fix it.