This game is marketed by Atari as the pinnacle of free-roaming games, but how free can you really roam?

User Rating: 5 | Boiling Point PC
I don't want to get into the bugs and poor performance of this game. Alot of that has already been written by other reviewers. I have a 2.6 Ghz AMD CPU and a dual 6600 GT SLI rig, which ought to be enough for a 2005 game, but the framerates are disappointing, especially in towns. The issue I would like to address here is the so-called freedom in the game. Although the map is huge, there are only few places where you can do something. The areas along the border of the map are completely empty, for instance. As are other large parts of the map. After crossing the map multiple times you run into the same ambushes, the same gasstations and the same shootouts over and over again. Each time, all objects (car wrecks, bandits, signs, everything) are placed in exactly the same positions. That's how they filled the 25x25km area: by copy-pasting.

At the time of release (2005) the game was frequently compared with Morrowind (Oblivion was not released yet). Supposedly, you could interact with many people and do stuff all over the map. In BP, the NPC's are limited to a few faction leaders. Everyone else is just scenery.

The car handling is the worst ever in a game. I know it's an FPS and not a rally game, but come on, even the APC in the old counterstrike siege map handled better. Not to mention the bland 2d sprite that's supposed to be the dashboard of the cars.

The game has it's good sides however, collecting weapons and other junk in the trunk of your car is fun. Loading up food, ammo, gas and spare tyres and heading out for adventure is extremely cool. The jungle looks good, of you've got the PC to show it with some detail.

The flaws will make me finish this game, delete it and never look back.