well, maybe not. this game's like troika's vampire: the masquarade- bloodlines, combining FPS action with quite impressive RPG element. but sadly, it's full of bugs and not enough polish. sure the level's HUGE (25x25km) with no loading time, the weather effect is cool, and the weapons modelling's great it could rival the one's on S.T.A.L.K.E.R. , but you really need a very high end machine to see these things in action. (i have a pt4 2.8ghz, radeon 9800pro 128mb & 1024ram and the game plays quite well with medium settings) enough with the graphics, on with the gameplay! i think this game got very HUGE content, you can do a lot of weapons modification, driving, shooting, and the health system's cool too, like when you got shot in the leg, you would never die by that damage, instead you'll start to limp around when you move. got shot in the arm, your aim's going berserk and that kind of stuff. the weapon's system quite interesting too like if you use it frequently it would wear out resulting in jamming and stuff. the world is very open ended (very much like GTA series) and they have this 'faction' system going on (like mercenaries). if you do a job for like the goverment, against the mafia, your actions would affect your relationship with both of the faction. if your an acquaintance, you got better price for medicine, weapons etc and if you're neutral/enemy the price would be higher, and they might also shoot you in sight if your relationship with them were not so good. and i see a lot of oppurtunity in replayability just like GTA. through out the game, you would be performing more submission (for money and weapon) than the main mission coz' if you want to advance in the main mission, you got to have money, lots of 'em! and that actually makes the game more challanging and you'll be advancing the main story in a very slow progress, sometimes you forget about the main mission coz' you'll be spending a lot of you play time doing crazy missions like stealing, assasination, escort, and all that blow-thing-up stuff. it's very unfortunate for the game to have lots of tiny bugs here and there coz' it disturbs the emersion and fun factor, but regardless, it's still very ambitious, and quite good too. this is not your ordinary FPS. some would hate it, some would enjoy it, like me. and i suggest you wait for a patch first before buying this. oh i forgot, there's no multiplayer out-of-the-box, but the developer said that they'll ship that in the coming patch. i hope they do that FAST!
This is still a flawed classic. Some say Planescape: Torment is a flawed classic. Some say Beyond Good and Evil is a flawed classic. Some say Vampire: Bloodlines is a flwaed classic. 'Flawed classic' can sometimes just m... Read Full Review
Sometimes, a unique game comes along for the PC that was designed by a small developer with the grandest of visions – games like Gothic, Arcanum, and Vampire – The Masquerade: Bloodlines. Frequently, these games deliv... Read Full Review