Huge free-roaming jungle adventure game with a first-person twist.
So what do you actually do in boiling Point? Well, the story is basic- your daughter works in a country in South America called Realia (it's made up) and is kidnapped and you, Saul Myers go to Realia to find her. You are given total freedom. You dont actually have to look for your daughter if you dont want to! You can do anything at your own pace including missions. And unlike other free roaming games like GTA you can do the missions in any order or just not do them at all and replace them with other missions. Of course, you dont have to do missions, you can just explore the countries towns, jungles, villages, or just run or drive for miles! You can do other missions for extra money too, helping random people out.
In Boiling Point you can do a hell of a lot. It's a game that offers many, many hours of gameplay. You can buy loads of things- food, drink, guns and weapons, pay people for info, get a room at a motel, you can even buy cars. You can also do other things such as talk to people to get help or ask where to get to places, upgrade your weapons (which is a great idea!), work for various types of people including the Government, Guerillas, Mafia, Bandits, CIA and even Indians. Yep theres loads to do here.
How big is Realia? Big. About 450km squared. And you can explore the country however you want- by foot, car, plane, helicopter or boat. What's the landscape like? The place is full of lush jungles, run down looking towns, rivers, mountains and waterfalls. It's quite an impressive world for a game (though not quite up to standards as Oblivion).
Boiling Point looks damn good. The graphics are superb. While the jungles dont exactly look as good as Far Cry's, they are still REALLY nice for a huge game. The water effects are very nice too, the chraracters look good and buildings, shadows etc look great. However, you will need a powerful PC to see it at it's best. I run at high settings, but not very high settings at 1024x768 resolution. It looks really good but it looks even better at very high! There is only one load time too which is nice.
The sound is average. The same music is played often and it might annoy you after a while. However, the voice acting is pretty decent and when you talk to everyone, each person actually talks properly with a voice, it's not just text. The car sounds are rubbish though.
The main problems with Boiling Point is that the combat isnt that great- the AI is terrible and the guns dont feel great either. The decent weapons like the M16 and AK-47 always jam wihich is really annoying. however, the customisable options including ammo type and accuracy etc makes up for the combat a bit because you have lots of options.The sound and music are a bad point as you've just heard. The driving is bad as well. The cars handle badly and most cars are way too slow. Oh, and of course, the bugs (which I have never encountered and I didnt even install the patch).
Overall though this will definitely appeal to free raming fans or FPS/RPG fans and it is a very, very good game with tons to do that is a great experience if you dont have any of the bugs and glitches. Download the patch just in case.
+Huge 450km squared game world to explore
+Great graphics and environments
+Lots of weapons and upgrades
+A variety of vehicles to control
+Great chracter interaction
-Unsatisfying combat
-Idiotic AI
-Poor driving physics
-Repetitive, annoyin music