Review: Bomberman DS
Bomberman has been a multiplayer blast since the SNES days and has been a hit game since the NES days, the series has stretched to the PC and most modern consoles, but can the formula work well on the DS, and what is more important can it bring something new to Nintendo's newest little handheld video game system?
Well you are Bomberman a man on a mission to restore 8 damaged crystals that are wreaking havoc on the world, and how do you do it by blowing up as much as possible before you blow yourself up.. Ok this game is NOT one of those games you buy for its original story
Hudson decided to use the look used by the 2D look used in the SNES game, which is disappointing because even my PC version that I have had since 1997 used 3D characters, and what is more the intro is using fully 3d characters. Still as 2D graphics go the game looks good each character looks good, and the stages look good.
The Music is original but can get annoying, and the same can be said for the voices in the game. But the sound is dead on and really when we think of Bomberman the sounds of bombs going off is what really matters.
Bomberman's controls are easy to learn and fun to play, you will find your self playing for hours. Still the second screen is practically useless because all you do there is manage and use your inventory on the screen until boss fights come around, then the battle field switches to both screens.
Game play:
Bomberman plays like a Bomberman game should, fast and frenzied, while trying to avoid your own bomb blasts and the enemies on screen. But where this game shines is multiplayer, where there are more that 10 different online types, 10 different game styles, and 10+ different levels, and what is more you only need one copy of this game for yourself and 8 of your friends to play till the cows come home.
Well the game is designed but to be quite honest all of the design that I can see went to the multiplayer portion of this game, but as with many of the games released for the DS, Bomberman DS seems like an upgraded GBA Game with a few new bells and whistles, but after playing multiplayer you will not care much about that.
Well what can I say, if you plan to play multiplayer with a bunch of friends then by all means run out and buy this game but in all honesty I can not recommend this game for purchase for any other reason.
Bomberman DS:
Good Boss Fights
Multiplayer Madness
Fun Action for everyone using only one game pack
Graphics are disappointing
Music is bad
Sound is annoying