Okay, we've all played Bomberman. It's that addictive top-down game featuring that little lovable white dude that blows stuff up. It's really simple... but really fun. A lot of people missed out on bomberman '93, and it's a shame because it's one of the best. It features a fun single-player game (bosses included), but anyone who's played bomberman knows that multiplayer is where it's at. The Wii version, like the original, features five, yes FIVE player multiplayer. That may sound weird, but you can use 'cube controllers too, so don't worry about it. If you don't have extra contollers, you can put in bots. Theres plenty of stages to keep you and your friends busy, not to mention the game's great use of power-ups makes the game more interesting. Trust me, you probably won't find a better multiplayer experience on the Virtual Console. The game features appealing, colorful 16-bit graphics and catchy music. For a mere $6, you could own one of the most worthwhile titles on the VC, so what are you waiting for?
This game is very good. It might be the best Turbo Graphix game on the Virtual console. Definitely worth your 6 bucks! The game is very deep for an older game. You can choose between 3 different play modes; Single pla... Read Full Review
Fans of the "bomberman" franchise where left with cold hearts after the release of "Bomberman Act: Zero" for the Xbox 360. The game was a complete abomination that represented everything that the lo... Read Full Review