good party game, bland 1 player

User Rating: 7.3 | Bomberman '93 TG16
Lets face it we don't all have 4 wii motes to paly wii games together. Butt most of us has at least 2 game cube controlers. Bomber man 93 can suport up to 5 player multi player and has 8 arenas to battel it out in. Each offer a diffrent battel from low key to just crazey. If you don't have and one to paly with or you ant to add more players there conmputers to face off. But they can be to hard. 1 player is knida bumb and seems more like traineing. The storey (i think it's kinda unclear) Has the black bomber man take out the city lights and driven off into a worm hole. Bomber man fell into a weird planet and now has to defeat every boss of every planet to get to the black bomber man. Basicly each stage is clear every monster and get to the portal before time runs out. Each planet is an arena in multiplayer. If your looknig for a cool party game to bust out or just something you can paly with sibling/friend this is one to get. if your looking for an advenuter game look some were else. Bomber man still has, it just stay 2D for now.