The first time we've truly seen the formula of Bomerman exposed and disgustingly flawed.
Its broken to its core and Hudsons pathetic attempt to reinvent Bomberman has fallen flat on its face. The long standing series has never once seen such a disgusting title fall its way. Furthermore the fact they are nearly forcing you to go online to even attempt to enjoy this half assed title is just adding to the insult of an already unendurable title.
(You can't save without going online and no multiplayer)
Gameplay - 2
Its bomberman yes, but the core mechanics are often overlooked due to all the other flaws surrounding it. Its essentially bomberman without a sense of fun or excitement.
Lack of multiplayer also kills it.
Graphics - 4
Absolutely hideous and bland, the environments suck and the character models are unappealing and undetailed. Also occasionally some framrate issues have arisen.
Sound - 4
Boring sound effects and virtually no music support.
Overall - 3.7
Not even the most dedicated and loyal bomberman fans (among them lies me) should consider disgracing themselves or their 360's with such a broken and uninspired title.