It's basically one huge multiplayer bomberman game, but honestly who cares about that storyline in bomberman games? It's a great excuse to blow up your friends in a family friendly way. This game includes serveral ways to play, besides regular. Teams, Air Raid, Countdown. Also the revenge in it is awsome because you come back when you manage to kill someone, so it makes revenge not retarded... Different stages do different things so, like one level you run super fast, and another level zombie hands will come from the ground and hold you still. With super power-ups that protect you almost flawlessly with the shake of a remote the game gets more interesting.The game gets even more intense with a random everything option where you get sent to random stages with a random minigame and random settings, it definently keeps you on your toes and makes the game even more interesting. I thought that for a 10$ game, this was a very wise choice.
Bomberman has always been the ideal multiplayer game and was the first four player game to be on a home console, mainly thanks to having to get the four player adaptor for your NES. Over the years, Bomberman has come an... Read Full Review
The Bomberman franchise has gone through some serious ups and downs throughout its history, since the first game released in 1983 for the MSX the nice white robot has tried to achieve success in various genres including ... Read Full Review