Pretty good Bomberman game, had more portiental.
I kind of liked the gameplay better then the other Bomberman game. I liked that you can jump in this game, which makes it very useful. I hate it in other Bomberman games that you cannot jump which really sucks. The camera did stink in this game and made it hard to figure out jumping distances.
The graphics, even thought low strandard these days were pretty good, a little but then some other N64 Bomberman games. The enviroments looked pretty good in the game. The character models looked pretty good in the game.
The sound was pretty decent in the game. A little bit on the chessy space sounds, but not aweful. Music could have been a little better and be a little more original.
The story could have been a lot better in the game. It confused me of what is going on. the cutscences were decent, but I wanted a little more dialog and know what is going on. If they worked on the story more, this would have been even a better game.
To bad this game series is slowly but surely dying out. If only there were better stories for the series, it could bring Bomberman back. But it maybe too late to bring it back, which is kind of said even with some releases on XBow 360 and PS3.