Not much to say really other then it's Bomberman. Not Bomberman Act Zero, but Bomberman. You've all played Bomberman at some point in your life and know it's super fun game. This game is no exception. I still wish there was more customizable options though. Once you get em all they are all kind of lame. Hopefully there will be some FREE content download for that stuff.
Most of the game-modes are back as well. It just seems like they left out the team based games. Which is kind of a bummer but oh well. Regardless if you're a Bomberman fan download this title. It's only 800pts and it's totally worth it. Lots of fun to be had with friends. Even if you aren't a fan, play the trial. You'll like it.
Bomberman has finally come to XBox Live and boy was it worth the wait. After last year's installment of Bomberman called "Act Zero", I think most people just assumed that the Bomberman franchise was dead. Altho... Read Full Review
By judas-savior | Review Date: Jul 19, 2007 | X360
I will keep my review short as this is an arcade game but to put the record strait it is the best arcade game available on the marketplace to date. After last years installment of Act Zero we almost saw an end to the fra... Read Full Review