The name's Man...BomberMan....

User Rating: 8 | Bomberman Live X360
As you Guys may have noticed Bomberman Live is the Cute Pretentious little figure trying to blow up the other opponent in a small Maze looking box.......
it is Actually Easier Said then Done as if you play live over time and time again......People GET PISSED OFF for some of the most random & stupid reasons....
ok on to the Fated Review of BomberMan Live!:

GRAPHICS: They are in there own self right Decent - Good. I mean Bomberman wasn't ever about the Graphics and it never will be but The Graphics never Aim to displease as they are Visually ok to look at considering that past bomberman games were a decent-great success =DD

ACHIEVEMENTS: Are there Enough???? IMO there are a decent amount of Achivements i mean... Past BomberMan games Haven't Had these Achievments.... they aren't worth doing if your Desperately trying to increase your Gamer Score because most of them give out about 10 - 30 gamerscore. i mean it isn't all that Useless you can complete them pretty easily thoguh so its also pretty straightforward (Except maybe the parts where you have to dress up as a girl, cowboy, etc or you need to bomb a girl, cowboy, etc) simply because some of them require you to kill some people could just post a topic saying that you need help with the Achievments and most of them (if not all of them) will be happy to help you out. =P

CONTROL SCHEME: VERY EASY.....BomberMan's Learning Curves Aren't high at all which means you can most of the time not worry what buttons you are pressing because you only need about two things: The left Joystick
* Moving* & the A button *Place Bomb* . ;)

STORY: LOLZORS no Plot needed for a Fun Classical / Comical Bombing Game

MODES: There are a Decent amount of modes. Some do get very annoying but for the Most Part BomberMan's Modes have always kept it Smooth.

DIFFICULTY: PRRRREEETY easy for the most part......... you will however on live find Bomb Spammers...where they randomely Plant bombs where ever they go which does sometimes either kills them....or....Kills you with Endless Bomb Spamming in the end...... I always try to block where they are going xD

GAMEPLAY: Bomberman Fan's will love this for a Measily 800 Microsoft Points The whole Game will be unlocked to you... you can *i believe access it Live still on SILVER xD* go on live with your friends or random people .... The Game itself is very fun if ANYONE * hmmm maybe not any1* Needs a 4 Player Classic Mayhem full of fun, Shouting, Jumping off you couch, Nonstop Bombing then this is THE Game for you so go to your Nearest Video game store and get about 1600 * about i THINK $20* and get yourself a fun classical game =DDDD

RATING: 8.0...i know i make it sound better .... =PPPP