This game is Just awsome especially the multi-player
User Rating: 10 | Bomberman Ultra PS3
Just to start this game is worth the buy it is fun and great for a party.At first i thought it would be an okay game when i was about to try the demo and when i did i was amazed.At first i was going to buy another game along with Metal Gear Solid 1.I was playing the demo for Bomber man Ultra when i was waiting for the download to finish.when it did i decided that i wanted to buy the full game of Bomber man Ultra.I did and i never wished i didn't buy it. this is how i would rate this game
Game play 10/10
Multi-player 10/10
Story there isn't one
online 9.9/10
graphics 10/10
that is it you should really get this game it is great and worth it also it is great for a party as it can have up to eight players and has cool costumes so you can customize your bomber man with up too many different costume parts to make many different costume combinations. So if you buy this game you will enjoy it.