Comericals make you expect too much.
Gameplay 6/10- To get though the whole story mode of all five characters takes a few hours, then unlocking all the songs and stages and outfits takes even longer. The only problem I have with this is the control of the danceing. It feels kind of stange. this is the first singing game where you don't even need to sing, blow into the mic at the right time and you win.
Graphics 8/10- Kind of cartoony, but that's what EA was going for. A few textures don't look right, but it's overall good.
Sound 7/10- Not too bad of songs choices. during story mode then the characters talk- cheap sounds that are kind of scary. I turned the sound down for this.
Value 6/10- After you unlock all the songs, there's not much to do. that's where party mode really helps. only two people can play, but it's fun and makes you want to keep playing even after your done with the songs, but it's not enough to save this game.