How much fun your having really depends on the level.

User Rating: 7.5 | Boom Blox WII
Ok this is a game I'm having a very hard time trying to associate with a numerical score because frankly I find myself loving it and then hating it in a never ending pattern of inconsistency.

I bought this game because it was getting lots of good reviews (and XPlay is treating it like a god send) and because I like puzzles. I got it under the impression that it was a physics puzzler where you would try to knock certain blocks a certain way to obtain the most points and it is just that, some of the time.

The thing is Boom Blox doesn't seem to be able to decide what kind of game it wants to be. I'll be having a blast moving the bombs around so that when I hit the GO button the beaver will go blow up a bomb and hopefully if I put my bombs in the right spot there will be a nice chain reaction destroying all the point blocks and then all of a sudden I'm shooting monkeys to protect cows. NO! As I said the puzzle type games are the ones that I enjoy, the action type games are the ones I loathe. The arranging of the bombs for the most devastating chain reaction was fun. It made me think "hmm where should I put this" and even though they were usually fairly obvious in this particular string of games it was still FUN. The monkey shooting thing was just annoying. You had unlimited ammo and you could try and shoot the supports out from under the monkeys spawn points so they couldn't come back but that does nothing except make the monkeys spawn on the ground making them harder to see.

There are tons of different kinds of puzzles and of course there are also tons of different kinds of action sequences. There are puzzles where you want to knock over point blocks without knocking over negative point blocks. There are puzzles where you want to destroy all the gems in the least number of throws which then incorporate other blocks like the bomb, vanish, and chemical blocks.

Then theres the action games like the monkeys or blow up the bears so they can't steal your gems or kill the ghosts long enough so the kittens can get to the other side.

I'd like to give two specific examples. Theres one set of puzzles where you have a mom gorilla and baby gorillas and you want to move several blocks out of her way so she can get to her babies. This was one of my favorite puzzle sets. There would be a block obstructing her path but to get that block you'd have to move another block which trapped the one in her way. There would be a massive chain like this so I had to find the first one, get rid of that, then get rid of the next and the next etc until she could cross the bridge. I liked this a lot.

Then theres the halloween set where the kittens try to get to the pumpkin but a bunch of skeletons try to kill them and you have a gun (unlimited ammo of course) and you want to stop the skeletons. What this ends up doing is making me sit there and mash A until the kittens can reach the goal.

I love action games but the problem is this game wasn't meant to be an action game and when it tries to do so it just doesn't succeed. It would be a better game overall if they just stuck to puzzles.

Now theres two more things I really hate. The camera in this game is fixed. You can rotate it but you can't scroll it and this often causes very awkward angles or requires me to make a shot at a small target from VERY far away. This shouldn't be an issue because in creator mode when you test your level without any rules set you can scroll and rotate the camera any way you want and it works fine. However the second you turn on any rules the camera gets locked. This is an especially big problem on large levels.

And thats another thing. Creator mode works fine (although if you don't take your finger off A insanely fast you'll have 40 more blocks than you wanted) but the rules are awful. You can't do anything. You can limit throws and set a timer. I made a point block puzzle and when I knocked the point blocks down I didn't get any points. I made a gorilla/baby level and when the gorilla got to the babies nothing happened the gorilla just sat there as the time dwindled away.

Now for the other thing I hate, jenga puzzles. The hand tool is ridiculously hard to control. As you pull a block it will start to violently shake and it will flick anything above it way into the air. If you are holding a block in midair it will violently spin around in the air and flail like a dying fish often accidentally knocking over a block you don't want to fall over. Its just too unstable and hard to control.

All in all sometimes I'll have a blast with this game and I'll love it and treasure it and other times I'll want to pull my hair out from the bad design and throw my copy out the window. The amount of fun you get from the game is very dependent on which string of puzzles you are playing and I try to avoid the ones I don't like but to unlock more of the ones I enjoy I have to beat more of the ones I hate.

I give it a 7.5/10 because its just too wildly inconsistent to be thoroughly enjoyable