Boom Boom Rocket is a rhythm game available for download on the Xbox Live Arcade. In it you control a fireworks show. You have to set off the firework when it crosses the line on the top of the screen. You get points for setting off the fireworks and the number of points you get depend how close to the firework was to the line. Unlike most rhythm games these days this game does not use any special controller. So you use the regular controller and press the button that corresponds with the firework on screen and as you would think this gets boring fast. There are 10 songs and three difficulties easy, medium, and hard. The songs are all electronic versions of classical songs that aren't very interesting and get old fast. There is a endurance mode that repeats a song over and over again getting faster each time which can get crazy. Overall Boom Boom Rocket is an okay rhythm game that doesn't have enough content to make you want to hand over 800 points for the full version. If you are dying for a great rhythm game for the 360 then you should skip this game and pick up Guitar Hero II.
Being a fan of music based games, I was looking forward to Boom Boom Rocket's (BBR) release. It's a fun game where the buttons are coordinated to their specific color, and with proper timing, you are treated to some more... Read Full Review
By Cube_of_MooN | Review Date: Jul 09, 2008 | X360
Boom Boom Rocket is a rhythm-based music game that is available in the Xbox Live Arcade. If you have ever played Guitar Hero this game will seem familiar to you, as it is based upon the same premise. The goal of the game... Read Full Review