A basic but funny game, worth trying at least once.
Your mission: to walk along a street from one side of the stage to the other.
But there are many people that want to stop you, including old men brandishing walking sticks, grannies wielding handbags, pug dogs and fat guys that whack you with their stomaches.
There is also a strange creature that walks onto the screen and leaves either a flying heart or a bomb, before quickly scurrying away.
One of the fun things about this game is seeing how each enemy attacks you. Like the grannies, who spin their handbags round and round above their heads to throw at you, but sometimes they try too hard and end up helicoptering to the other side of the screen. Tricky, them grannies.
Through each of the six levels, the same set of enemies plus one new guy will continue to block your path. Does beating up the same enemies over & over sound boring? Well it tries not to be, by giving you a different move to beat them with each level. Moves range from an overhead smash, to grabbing the enemies ears and twisting them (or he's strangling them, hard to tell), to lifting them above your head spinning them around and chucking them off the screen.
Another move you'll be using often is what I call the 'shoo' attack, very important for removing bombs and fighting dogs, which you can't hit with any other move.
If you get tired of fighting, you can make make huge leaps over enemies heads and skip past a few enemies before it stops scrolling.
The graphics do their job well. Large sprites let you see what's happening clearly. Each level has it's own background, though it has little effect on the game.
Sounds are suitably comical, with whooshes, boings and thwumps all adding to the atmosphere.
The music consists of one repeated tune, which sounds like a rock n' roll song from the Elvis era. Thankfully, it's not a bad tune.
To wrap up, it's a funny beat 'em up, worth playing once or twice, until the novelty wears off. Then it will sit gathering dust, as most ancient games do.