It's still a rather brutal FPS mixed with loot-whoring RPG, with a unique design and a super-violent, super-crazy world.
Borderlands 2's main hook is its focus on "shooting and looting." To that degree, the sequel offers significantly more choice and customization than its predecessor. Guns are broken down into brands and damage modifiers. So, for example, a gun made by Hyperion will have a more high tech feel, whereas another line may provide punchier gunplay.
The damage modifiers--fire, acid, and electricity, among others--all factor in heavily when selecting the best tool to take down enemy types. It provides a strong sense of strategy to how to approach a mob of hostiles. Though the early stage weapons lack certain tactility, there's a heft to higher-level guns that's truly satisfying.
You also have more ability to customize your character. Whether through in-game collectible skins or the base choices, you can pick from multiple face types and outfits to give your Vault Hunter more personality. Each Vault Hunter has a different specialty class, from the dual-wielding Gunzerker, turret-toting Commando and sneaky Assassin to the returning Siren class.
Alongside the satisfying gunplay, Borderlands 2 continues the tradition of four-player online co-operative play. The game scales difficulty according to how many people are participating in the game and with higher difficulty, the opportunities increase for rare items, more experience, and shared money. But there are some problems within the framework that are annoying. Death is inevitable, and it's irritating in some spots to spawn away from teammates and have to backtrack across some big areas to reunite with your squad (or fall into some geometry and get stuck).
Arguably the bitterest pill to swallow is that in sections of the game, you can earn experience and loot playing co-op in someone else's missions, but won't always have that progress reflected in your own campaign. For some missions, there's an offer to skip past something you've done, and in others, it's never provided. Nor is it ever clearly explained why some missions allow for this hop and some don't. Make sure you're playing with friends, and if you plan multiple playthroughs, let someone else host another game so that they get the story progression.
One of the biggest complaints about the first title was its lack of in-depth story. Although Borderlands 2's narrative may not rival the likes of Mass Effect's arc, it does a great job of toeing the line between morbid goofiness and somber emotional beats. The Vault Hunters of the prior game return, and whether you've played the first game or not, you'll be very attached to them before long. More than anything, it's a game propelled by a strong villain who's a vain sociopath. You'll want to endure some lackluster moments solely to make Handsome Jack eat his words. It's a great hook.
The lackluster moments are certainly there, though. Although speedier players can likely clear the game in 30 hours, it may take others upwards of 40 to 50, and it feels like a chunk of that is filler. Granted, loot-based RPGs are all about grinding your way up to the best weapons and armor, but Borderlands 2 feels artificially long in some stretches. Some side quests are funny, or they provide more color for the NPCs you encounter. Others feel less inspired and more designed to pad the experience. If you're playing through mostly solo, you'll feel the effect even more strongly, since level progression feels like it comes to a screeching halt at points.
But for the grievances that make Borderlands 2 feel like a slog at times, it also rewards you through many other means. The boss battles, from zany characters to gigantic, exaggerated robots, all feel grandiose in scale, and even if they can be frustrating to beat, they're memorable to battle. Also, with the right mix of co-op teammates, the combination of multiple skill sets provides profoundly satisfying moments.
Borderlands 2 is a fulfilling experience. The improvements to gunplay and customization take it further than its predecessor. Its story gives you enough hooks and motivators to want to see it through to the end. Unfortunately, it may feel like a bit of a slog to get there, and you'll want to sort out exactly who's hosting that game between you and your online friends very early on. However, with a well-balanced squad, there are few more pleasing experiences than taking down a gigantic robot constructor through four unique skillsets. If you like to shoot, and you dig collecting loot, Borderlands 2 has enough to scratch your itch for some time to come.