If you're a fan of the original, you'll love the sequel

User Rating: 10 | Borderlands 2 X360
Borderlands 2 in a nutshell is pretty much the exact same game as it's predecessor. Almost every aspect is identical from the controls down to the character designs. The only difference I really noticed thus far is the character and vehicle customization skins that you can unlock as you progress through the game and class mods/relics that boost certain attributes for your character (ie bullet and health regeneration).

This time around you band together with the original vault hunters and the people of a city called Sanctuary to take on Handsome Jack and the Hyperion Corporation. A lot of new characters and enemies, as well as many old ones, help to make the game's storyline and environments come alive, giving you a more in-depth and enjoyable experience overall. The difficulty adjusts as your character levels up which ensures that no matter how strong you will get, there will always be a challenge (and you will die A LOT).

Playing through the main story itself will probably take between 10-15 hrs to
complete. Should you decide to take on the many side missions that are offered, the game will take considerably longer to finish. Either way you play it, Borderlands 2 offers countless hours of content to keep you busy for awhile and is the perfect excuse to revisit Pandora.