(I'm planning on rewriting this review later when I have more time.)
Don't waste your money on Borderlands 3 until the price comes down. Yes, it's a much longer game than BL2, but it's also WAY more boring.
In just the first couple hours of BL2, we were introduced to Sir Hammerlock, Handsome Jack, and Butt Stallion, along with fairly amusing antics from Claptrap and Scooter, and some pretty entertaining enemies to boot. In my opinion, the first few hours of BL2 were epic-time in story, characters, and combat.
In the first few hours of BL3, you get none of that. No new characters are introduced. The characters that are used are boring as hell. The only semi-entertaining element is Claptrap, but he's just a shade of what he was in BL2. Other characters use the same one-liners over and over again so often that it's going to make you sick. Eventually there are a few new characters introduced, but they seriously suck.
It took me 80 hours to make it all the way through BL3 once, compared to 30 hours for BL2, but believe me when I tell you, you'll be begging for BL3 to finally end after 30 hours.
I'm giving this a 5 because it really falls short of what Borderlands 2 brought to the table in combat, character development, and story. It's just a long boring journey that could've been much shorter for better effect.