A Good Cracking Original Game Idea Played Out Very Well.
A very original game with the visuals of XIII but even better tweaked, immersive RPG qualities and my favourite looting driven gameplay.
Borderlands entwines you into a world where every enemy holds a newer or indeed more deadly weapon or useful piece of equipment you can loot from their bodies.
This drives you to play, as you always want to get the next gun with a higher damage rate or another specific quality.
However my one problem with this game is the lack of a solid storyline, but with the gameplay being so immersive you can if you are willing to is ignore this fault.
Play for hours and be rewarded with new kit and weapons, but as the weapons get better so do your enemies and so you are constantly checking out weapon stats and of course equipment for later battles to make sure they work well.
The Good:
- A fun enjoable gameplay, with a laid back run and gun style.
- A in depth loot system, picking up from those you kill and use or even sell to build up your cash.
- The RPG elements are relevant and obvious, but Borderlands can be played like any first person shooter.
- Many different environments to play though, it never gets boring.
The Bad:
- Sometimes battling low level enemies in past sectors, can get repetative.
- Some firefights can get frustrating, so it takes tactics.
Borderlands makes you think about your next move, almost in many ways similar to the effect Fallout 3 has on gamers.
So if you want a solid gaming experiance, give Borderlands a try and see if its your sort of thing. However if its not but you are an RPG fan go for something like Dragon Age maybe.
All in all a concrete game worthy of Game of The Year award this year and there is now a GOTY edition of the game with all DLC's.