This is the review for Borderlands: Claptrap's New Robot Revolution for the PC.
Well here’s your chance to pay revenge on that annoying claptrap. Yeah, some like that little fella that appears from time to time and some, like me, find him a little bothersome as I cannot hurt him when pulling the trigger of my pearl shotgun aiming straight at his face…or whatever you want to call it. Kind of reminds me of Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars with that provoking smile of his as you just want to kick his head in. Nevertheless, along arrives Borderlands fourth and final DLC named ‘Claptrap’s New Robot Revolution’ where, well the title says it all, is all about Claptraps paying revenge for the mistreatment from all of Pandora’s species. For me, I get to shotgun their faces for the first time.
This DLC opens up six new areas to explore. Also there are two characters that makes another appearance here being Marcus and Patricia and a new character named Mr Blake. Unfortunately Mr Blake wasn’t entirely an exciting character as he has not much of a personality. Maybe because I was so spoiled with Borderlands previous three DLCs and their myriad of wonderful characters (for which indecently goes to say about the main game Borderlands as, it too was devoid of memorable characters). Whatever the case may be, it would assist if Mr Blake had more of a personality.
In addition to the new areas, there are twenty one new missions, new achievements to unlock and a couple of ‘special guests’ along the way. The missions are mainly your stock standard ‘go fetch’ and ‘destroy this’ and quite frankly, it gets a little repetitive. The new areas are not terribly exciting to explore as you have encountered the same textures and buildings many, many times before. Also there’s no ‘catch a ride’ anywhere so I hope you enjoy walking / running everywhere. And lastly, half of the new achievements are simply random drop loots so, if you like grinding, then good for you. Other words, the overall ‘new additions’ are not imaginative at all.
If you manage to troll through the mundane missions, the ending, and quite surprisingly too, is actually decent – brings the entire story arc into a full circle. And thankfully this is what I remembered the most as it’s actually well thought out. Too bad, the rest feels like a jumble mess of lazy thought out quests. Depending upon your playing style will determine the completion time. For me, I took around six hours so I’m guessing, on average, maybe two to three (as I’m known to be the world’s slowest player). So this DLC is definitely the weakest out of the four by a long shot however the ending makes up for it. Just hang in there and finish it off – it’s worth it.
Final note – this DLC has a room of infinite chests meaning you can reload the game over and over again and those chests are ready again for your picking. However, there’s a good chance you get the same crap over and over again too.
5.5 / 10