A game that makes fun of itself and its competition but it is still a very addicting experience.

User Rating: 9 | Borderlands X360
STORY: The story behind this game is nothing huge. The story is that a VAULT on the crappy world of Pandora is full of alien money and alien technology, and you want it.
GAMEPLAY: The gameplay is the stat building and leveling up of your traditional rpg. The shooting its that of Call of Duty. ITs very fun and it adds a different twist to a generic shootinggame market.
DESIGN: The world is massive and full of interesting characters. IF your looking for a serious game, look elsewhere. ITs not that this game is totally unserious, just that it's not too serious.

The game is all cell shaded. This graphic choice is different but not horrible. It sometimes hurts your eyes if you play to much. That may just be me though. There are also alot of guns. ALOT. Each gun is different and powerful. ITs like christmas in a video game when you find a massive gun chest full of fun weapons.
This game is definitly worth the money. Playing is very addicting and time consuming.