There are many aspects of Borderlands that deserve notice, the beautiful graphics, the hundreds of thousands of guns, the huge world, the fantastic gunplay and rpg elements, and the fantastic co op gameplay. When playing with a friend this game is very difficult to put down, you constantly want to get a better gun to drop or get a little bit more exp to reach your next level. The characters are well balanced and the three different skill trees for each character are fun to play. The story line is used to just move you through the worlds and is not a major focus, this is fine because what they do give is interesting and leeds you to new zones. The Graphics of this game are fantastic, if you like cel shading this game is one of the best representations of this style to date and it gives the game its personality. The game is full of humor and i often found myself laughing at the ridiculous dialog and funny cutscenes. The game losses a little bit of its fun when playing single player but not enough to ruin the experience, this game is a must buy and it is not getting the praise it deserves.
Growing up on games like Quake and Diablo really helped me to appreciate the greatness of Borderlands. There's been a lot of games that have tried to pull off genre hybrids, but they either fail to deliver or just fail t... Read Full Review
The box art for Borderlands kept me away from the game for a long time. I would pass it in my local Blockbuster or GameStop, strangely attracted by its strong yellows and reds but repulsed by the Jason-Voorhees-meets-Tyl... Read Full Review