Right on the border...there was this

User Rating: 7 | Borderlands X360
The graphics
Cel-shaded games seem to be getting out of date now a days, but I guess they try to keep it fresh. But it doesn't look to fresh. The enemies and monsters don't look to appealing to kill but you got to anyways. The background looks really bleak and desolate at times capturing the mood of the wasteland you fight in. The guns are all different at times when they have different stats but sometimes you cant tell them apart from each other but they do look clever at times...one big problem with the graphics is the rocks and walls that border your lands look bland and you can't tell if you can jump at them or not.

The Story
The story is completely shrouded in mystery from the start of the game and to know it really you need to beat the game. At times of the game you see a mysterious lady in a hazy white light in the corner of your screen telling you unknown things about whats going on and why you are the. Basically your pretty much looking for treasure

The Character classes
You have four to choose from, and they range from, the Soldier Roland, the Siren Lilith, Brick the Tank, and Mordecai the Hunter. They all specialize in their own weapons and have a unique base skill at times can prove to be useful from Roland's Turret to Brick's berserker mode. They only last for a time til you increase its time with its skill tree. The skill tree isn't the greatest skill tree in most RPGs but they do make the experience more spread out and different and forces you to really decide what is better for you at the time. As for the weapons you can have a charter not use the weapon they don't specialize in but it is best if you use the weapons they were meant for because skills boost the weapons stats pretty drastically and make them some sort of unrealistic but advantageous.

The Gameplay
I wouldn't call this the first of its kind because it's following in the footsteps of Fallout 3. But the RPS, role playing shooter or what ever it is, kinda is intuitive where you shoot monsters and bandits for EXP. The story has you travel all over the map trying to complete quests, in the appropriate area of your level. Then you move on to bigger maps. Borderlands controls like most first person shooters, if not exactly so picking this game up will be a breeze. A unique revive system was put into play where if you get downed by an enemy and you can either have your partner revive you OR just kill the an enemy and your back on your feet. There is one slight problem with this game and its the fact that i t has to many guns. Most will suck and have lower stats than the main guns you roll with. Most of the time I found myself running back to the shop and selling them for dough and dying only to lose a huge sum of money.

This game will run you into the late nights and a lot of hours of time dedicated to it. There are a lot of silly side quests that will feel like this game is droning on and on and feel really boring at times even with a party of four. It is a unique experience though and worth a grab.