The game had me a bit skeptical but it now seems that blowing heads off of midget bandits is pretty fun.
So why should I buy this title:
Fun and time consuming; Great multiplayer; Sharing loot feels rewarding; Stealing my friends favorite weapon has never felt so evil in 4-player co-op; Outstanding visuals; Brutal result of a critical hit or strike from a vehicle; Warning of difficulty of missions and recommended level information; Guns feel so rewarding to get; Oh and ever so much guns!
Why should I not get this:
The comical design can be a bit of a turn off when the visuals are very outstanding; Leveling up is too fast, especially when the level cap is 50; Needs to upgrade servers to at least 8 people per world!
The Loot-Sharing Element: As you see, I am an official Borderlands fan, and as I said, it feels so evil to take another players favorite weapon and run off with it. Like what my cousin did, one player gave one of his favorite guns to another player and my cousin just went up and took the gun before his friend got it and exited the game. It was so fun to here the other players yell, "Give it back, ***!" and "You dumb mother****er, drop the weapon" before he pressed exit, oh well, at least there was a negative effect on his Xbox Live REP, right? Feels just like an MMO-RPG, just with the limit of four-people per online and two-per split-screen.
Multiplayer: The multiplayer is great. You can use your single-player character with your inventory and all your level status and even earn some more experience and awards in another persons world. Like I said up there, you can visit a players game with up to four-people with online and two with splitscreen and help him/her with his troubling missions and explore the planet of Pandora together, and share loot by dropping any of your items in your inventory and letting another person claim it. The turn-off was however the limit with four-per online. With a game that so much of an MMO feel on it, it was a minor let-down. It would have been nice for at least eight people. I wish it could go beyond Xbox Live's normal online servers (IE; 16 Players) and maybe even allow 60 players in a single world (Like PS3's exclusive, Resistance 2).
Single Player: It is technically the games multiplayer but with the element of feeling alone and nobody to share your prize with. Of course you can earn your prize in single player and later go to another person's world to share with and still earn everything you can earn with multiplayer but earn more of the prize and experience due to the system in the multiplayer that shares your experience with others, but for a better experience, go to Xbox Live, and then click on Create Match, that way you can start off with single-player and soon find people jumping into the game.
The Core Game: The game has a lot of RPG elements, such as exploration and the option to not do your missions and just explore but it is also a very good FPS. You can level-up, earn loot and later jump onto multiplayer and share it with your friends. There is a level cap of 50 and what makes it more of a shame is that leveling up is very fast and easy to do. Jump into a level 50's game, which is very difficult to play seeing that the enemy's are a way level up ahead of you, but you will see why leveling up is easy when you see how much experience they get that does not go to them, but rather you. You will see how much levels you advance when you do that.
Overall, this is a great game and you should buy it! If you like multiplayer and RPG elements, you will love this.