A bit of a let-down in all honesty.
I was part of the PC release crowd, so the delayed release for us was already a big mark against it, but I settled into it well enough when it came out.
The game is very close to being pretty solid. I'd be lying if I said I didn't get quite a few hours of enjoyment out of it, but to be honest, neither myself nor the couple of guys I was playing with constantly could even find the energy to finish the game.
I like the idea of it a lot. I've come to believe that FPS in this day and age almost HAVE to contain some element of RPG in them, be it different equipment, equipment customization, and out and skills and leveling, or whatever, to be successful and innovative in today's shooter genre. Games designed specifically for multiplayer are a bit of an exception, but generally I believe this to be true.
This game definitely fills that requirement with style; 4 different characters/classes, lots of skills options, and a virtually endless selection of guns.
The gunplay felt "right", the guns each had their own feel to them, depending on gun type, fire modes, etc. The enemies took different amounts of damaged based on well programmed hitboxes.
The environments had a decent amount of variation and thought put into them.
I wasn't wild about the art style choices, but it also was at least creative and thinking outside of the box.
The bad:
Missions were definitely very "Kill X number of X", despite the developer's claim to the contrary.
Solo play was somewhere between "boring" and "arduous", depending on your class.
Classes were not balanced at all, and some skills performed poorly or not at all. The juggernaut in particular missed out on so much; his only specialty being rocket-launchers which were, by far, the worst weapon class in the entire game. His most viable build involved not using weapons at all... :
The lack of inventory system innovation was a huge letdown: While you had tons of weapon choices and up to four slots to put them in, there was only one armor: a shield. That's just foolish when you could have just gone ahead and created chestpieces, helmets, boots, etc. etc. etc. with your crazy loot generator. That, in my opinion, was just laziness or shortsightedness.
Characters had virtually 0% customization to them. You could change the color of your clothes and that was it. Since there was no armor that never appeared, you couldn't change your hair color or style, nor face style, nothing. Not that I played in public games and saw clones running around, but if I had, they would have been there.
Levels did tend to drag on, and basically you were just wanting the whole thing to be done with.
Missions and their coordination between party members was carried out VERY poorly. If the game creator was ahead in a quest line, the other players couldn't advance in it at all.
The online aspects were horribly designed and implemented; some people straight up couldn't create games, joining was often difficult, and the quest system made things oppressive at times.
The VS combat stuff was pretty much worthless due to class balancing issues.
All in all, not a bad game by any means. I think the developers just stretched themselves too thin by trying to make so much of the game radically innovative, and ended up, instead, with a bunch of moderately-poorly implemented features. There are some great ideas in here to be taken away and used in future titles, but this one will almost surely remain unplayed by me and many others in years to come. Definitely not one I feel an itch to return and play like other classics such as Half-Life and Deus Ex.