Simply amazing, don't even rent, just buy it right now

User Rating: 9.5 | Borderlands X360
I got this game from gamefly a few days ago and figured it would just be your standard fare rpg loot 'n grab game; a half ass diablo 2 with more guns, basically. Boy was I wrong. My friend from class told me that he had this amazing game called Borderlands, and I was like, hey I just got it too! After playing online with each other for a few hours, I was psyched. No longer was there standard shoot the thing and return quest, because you had more people to play with and thus have a good time with, and the enemies drop weapons, sometimes uber- rare ones. One of the main reasons I hated Pokemon (not really hated but grew tired of) was because the random encounters were not only annoying with the flashing screen and music, but at the end you didn't gain anything other than an unrelatable xp gain, which was more modest than anything. In Borderlands, you can get all sorts of guns that do stuff, I have many weapons right now, one of them is a semi automatic assault rifle that can make enemies explode at times. Another is an smg that can catch enemies on fire. And I'm barely through the main quest! The graphics, are, to put it seriously, AMAZING. Rather than a drab atmosphere like Fallout 3 was, you get the features of Fallout 3 plus massive amounts of color, even on your weapons. Plus, no durability factor, so fire away! It can get a little boring without friends, so make sure you either wait until your friends can get it or just don't get it at all in that case. I have 2 more friends getting it this weekend and I am really pysched. Time to go play some Borderlands