Great new missions and atmospheric locales makes this add-on a pleasant break from your vault hunting journey.
The humor from the first game remains intact as you will find amusing diary recordings, some of which clearly reference the 80´s cartoon kids show "Scooby Doo" and some even relates to internet jokes and means. Claptraps also tend to crack some jokes and words of hilarity that lends an amusing tone to the otherwise atmospheric seriousness occurring within the haunted depths of the island.
Like before, this expansion captures the essence of its original counterpart while still ejecting a dose of personality. Environments are creepy and gloomy this time around, and the many growls of zombies and haunting ambience gives the new areas a unique atmosphere. However despite all this, the gameplay elements from the first game remains intact with shooting and looting playing a huge role, along with its pretty art style to go with it. But new additions come in the form of enemies that despite just being zombies, feels diverse and varied. The simple slow limping zombies all come in packs and can emerge from the ground, the trees and shadows and even out of the water. They can quickly overwhelm you and cover your screen with lovely puke; reducing your movement speed and causing you too lose sight of enemies. Then there is also enemies from the original that return but have also fallen under the sway of Ned´s failed cure, midgets can run and jump at a obliterating speed and suicidal zombies carries barrels that they hurl at you, but if all else fails they will sprint their last feet before detonating themselves. Skags also makes a brief appearance in a werewolf form but particularly entertaining are the loot goon that carries red shiny cases of armaments on their back that can then be acquired once the enemy at hand has been dealed with. These new enemies also co-exist with hilarious, challenging bosses that are spread out nicely throughout the game.
One disappointment however is the lack of any new loot drops. Don't expect to find new ranks of loot or any new classes of weapons and even though this wont stop you from finding some serious killer gear, those who have already traded hours of their life pillaging corpses and chests for new items wont find anything surprising here.
Like before the experience takes place in smaller zones and there is a hub place to accept and turn in quests and once you have your list of assignments you venture off into the overrun swampy wilderness where zombies lurks at every corner to accomplish these tasks. The new areas are most definitely just as elaborate and memorable as those explored in the original. While most consists of murky swamp areas cluttered with danger, there are some truly standouts such as Dead Haven. Once a small district ruled by the military corporation The Crimson Enclave, these old adversaries have also been zombified but likewise, they lunge at you in packs and loves to use turrets and their thick armour to their advantage.
The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned´s quests and side missions can be tackled in around five to eight hours, which might feel a little mere at first when compared to the 30 hour experience found in the original. But at 800 Microsoft points (10§) devotees should not pass this one up.
If you are already knee deep in your journey to uncover the vault then there is no real reason to get caught up in this zombie islanded mess just yet, but regardless if you are akin to gain some additional levels, explore new areas or tackle new formidable foes, then do yourself a favour and pay Dr. Ned a visit. It will be well be worth the time and money.