This game is a great game and a bad game at the same time.
this DLC could have been the best DLC for borderlands and it did until u finish the 5 rounds in the 3 different arenas where u find a nice challenging game ...THEN it takes a different turn when u start playing the 20 ROUNDS in the SAME 3 arenas as the game gives u an OVERLY hard challenge that will make u cry from repetitivenes also you can't save in the middle of the 20 rounds and if you leave or lost connection while playing multiplayer you start all over again, besides that i like the new bank which is not added in the other DLCs and the added challenges like boosting the damage of a certain weapon and reducing other weapons or making you jump higher or move faster.
i was willing to give this game a 9 but its difficulty made this game get 7.5 as a score... maybe if they have made it only 10 rounds or just let you save it would have been more playable... and a better loot because u get only a few loot after each round and probably they will be worse than what u have .