Definitely the BEST of the three DLCs so far.. it's more of everything you love abour Borderlands, with some new things!
There are moments in this DLC where i just couldn't stop laughing.. they make really good use of the characters of the game for some awesome comedy, and the new characters of this story line are really great too. I love how they managed to give players more of the game we enjoy so much, and still managed to change it up to make it a bit different!
The new level cap is awesome.. it really adds something to the experience. Not to complain about the other DLCs (which are also pretty good in their own right), but every DLC should have a level cap upgrade. It just enhances the gameplay so much. The enemies in this DLC are pretty challenging too, lots of new ones with some really great resistances, and you really have to change it up in order to succeed. I played a lot of this DLC by myself, so that made it even a bit more of a challenge. Most of the enemies are, of course, Crimson Lance, and they made a whole bunch of different classes of them that really makes things more interesting. There are also new "bandit" style enemies (especially the oh so hilarious 'midgets'), which will keep you laughing for a great part of this DLC. The ones that pop out of boxes and lockers when you open them are hilarious, they have very different fighting styles, and keep you on your toes even as you are looting stuff.
The environment is great in this game too, adding loads of new areas to explore, with hidden missions everywhere. Even after completing the main story missions of the DLC you will still have plenty to do around the area of T-bone junction.
The DLC is very vehicle focused too, and since they didn't really improve on the mechanics of those it can be kind of awkward at times (especially when playing alone). If you have friends playing with you, you will enjoy the 2 new vehicles, and learn many useful strategies with them, but alone it can be a bit of a pain.
The story overall is great. All the characters just work perfectly in they parts, and the final part of the final story mission is really really fun (i won't spoil it), but trust me.. you will want to play that one with at least one more person in your team. Let's just say the game offers you a LOT more than you can carry ;)
There is also a 'super secret final boss' after you do the story, and now THAT one is a challenge. By yourself you might as well not even try, its just almost impossible. This is where having some people to play with is really necessary. It's nice that they put this boss as a sort of extra, and not part of the story missions, because a lot of people would get held up in the story because of this thing..
Well so that's it.. if you loved borderlands you will pretty much love this one. It's well worth checking out as we wait for the next DLC or perhaps even Borderlands 2 :D