Simply amazing: Millions of guns and lots of fun
The storyline of this game is quite linear and simple. You want to open this vault of technology that only opens every few hundred years. You need a key to open it, and you need to do multiple quests to get this key. You encounter many monsters and different characters throughout the game, which breaks up the monotony of killing thousands of enemies. The game is very humorous, and is quite light in its attitude, which makes this a good game for playing with friends over Xbox live.
The character development is quite simple, but allows for customization as you cannot select every perk, even with the level cap from the Secret Armory DLC and Mad Moxxi's DLC. This forces you to make some choices of how you want your character to be. Weapon proficiency allows you to do more damage with different weapons, as well as reload quicker and be more accurate.
All in all this game is quite a lot of fun, especially with the different variety of weapons and the monster killing. Frequent amounts of DLC adds some variety to the game. The only problem is how bland the story gets after a while, which takes away some of the value of this game. All in all, this game is a great buy.