The only borderlands DLC that me and my friends couldn't and wouldn't beat. It is a total waste of time and money.
Long story short a new attraction appeared in Pandora called Mad Moxxi's underdome. Its a place where people test their skills almost like a gladiator arena. As the vault openers you are welcomed into the arena and test you skills.
It is so horrible and I will explain it in detail. You play in a arena area with 3 different locations. You last a specific number of rounds with spawning enemies that you have fought previously with certain effects or rules. For example fight in a low gravity environment or have only MEGA ammo or health only dropped by Moxxi. So on and so forth. Now this might sound like a lot of fun, but its not.
The biggest problem with it is the fact that the enemies don't drop stuff at all. You don't get xp for kills, they don't drop ammo or health, and after awhile it gets boring. The enemies never get too overburdening or even have new tactics. You have seen and fought these bandits or creatures or former bosses before in Pandora you just fight them here and not get any xp from them..lovely.
Now friends can join and it makes it tolerable, but still not fun. If you die and not revived from a friend you spawn all the way up top of the arena in a tower and no matter how much you jump, fire, use your special move you can help your friends down below. Now this concept is kind of cool, but if you die early it can be horribly boring. There is no way to revive you from the tower until the next round. They should have implemented a way to bring back fallen comrades to keep others interested in it. The only remotely nice thing in this DLC is it gives you a weapon bank to hold some guns you don't want to toss away.
Some new music and dialogue that's it really nothing new its not bad.
The new arenas look cool and all that, but its nothing groundbreaking.
Can fight former bosses, some effects are cool, gives you a weapon bank, interesting concept.
They made the cool concept horribly boring, can't bring back fallen comrades until the next round, no random drops or xp from fallen enemies, makes a funny and unique game and system boring.
Overall this DLC is horrible I can't believe the makers of borderlands made this. The game went from a fun RPG/shooter game to a boring shoot endless waves of enemies game, but get no xp or items. I wouldn't recommend this even if it went on sale or free.