Borderlands is a fun first person shooter/RPG game. This game features 4 unique characters all with their strengths and weaknesses. It had some of the best gun selection i have ever seen and the grenades in it are loads of fun. Ths game is sweet to play with great voice acting and over 1,000 guns to choose from. The graphics are sweet and they feel almost like some sort of Asian cartoon. It also is in it's own class because the size of borderlands isn't as big as other games and it does not have the do whatever you want feel to it. This games brings a handful of side missions that extend the game play by at least 10 hours. This game has a large amount of creatures that are all fun to kill in their own unique way. Whether it is shooting Rakks down from the sky, searching the local skags for loot, or just raiding the local raiders Boderlands is fun game that has guns that feel real.
Growing up on games like Quake and Diablo really helped me to appreciate the greatness of Borderlands. There's been a lot of games that have tried to pull off genre hybrids, but they either fail to deliver or just fail t... Read Full Review
The box art for Borderlands kept me away from the game for a long time. I would pass it in my local Blockbuster or GameStop, strangely attracted by its strong yellows and reds but repulsed by the Jason-Voorhees-meets-Tyl... Read Full Review