A game that had some great ideas and perspectives but Did they pull it off?
Gameplay- In borderlands you can play as 4 different characters all with their own different abilities. As I said before Borderlands involves taking on missions, there are loads of missions in the game that can be taken up, from finding items, killing enemies or taking on a boss. The game has extra missions to gain extra items and Weapons as well as story missions to complete the game.
As I have said there are thousands of weapons. Which it does say on the game, but in a way its true in a way its not. There are only about 8 weapons which all have different variations like one may have a scopes, some may have certain elemental effects, different damages/accuracy/fire rates.
The game does take some time to complete but is alot of fun, the missions can be taken on on your own or with friends or random people online.
Graphics- It has a weird style that is pulled of quite well but to be fair I think i'd rather have nice polished graphics than Graney and unique.
Sounds- The sound effects for the weapons are quite good, but there isn't a lot of music and most of the time you'll just hear crazy people shouting and laughing
Trophies- Quite fun the get, it would take at least 1.5 play throughs to get platinum but its actually a pretty easy platinum.
Summary- A great game to play but doesn't really offer much after completion besides expansions, which I didn't explore myself. Great game play and fun missions its a good game to play or try at the least
+ Easy Platinum for you trophy hunters
+ Many wepon variations
+ Many missions
- Can offer so much