If you thought to yourself "a game with lots of loot, places to explore and is a FPS" was a good idea...

User Rating: 8.5 | Borderlands X360
Story: Your 1 of 4 mercenaries(siren, solider, hunter, or brute) brought to a planet called Pandora to search for its treasure. You either go through the game solo doing missions or with up to 3 other people. I had been waiting for a game which could incorporate FPS action with RPG elements in such a way that it wouldn't sacrifice game play. Fallout 3 was close (though obviously winning in general content) but its FPS action was sub-par at best.

What I am not reviewing: arena or any sort of 1 on 1 fighting. I did play this multi-player just co-op. The Pro's: Lots of everything. Lots of bad guys, lots of weapons/loot, and lots of boss's and places to explore. Different class's, and magic tree's leaving for a variety of game play. Playing different class's gives you a chance to play the game over as well as playing with friends or a new game plus. The variety of missions keeps the game from getting linear and the landscape of Pandora is pretty good but you will be more busy killing stuff. The driving in this game is simple and fun. You never upgrade your truck nor do you feel the need to. Your trucks sole job seems to be for going from point A to point B and it does it fine with the occasional need to use it for fighting. I never found driving frustrating or that it overran the game. Overall a good experience and I don't see need for improvement. The story isn't great but its enough to carry you along and there will be plenty of dlc to bring you back throughout 2010. Being able to play with friends is a huge plus and at the very least even if you play through this game once its very enjoyable and unlocking new guns/leveling up/ and fighting boss's is more than enough to get your enjoyment out of Borderlands. The cons: Playing alone means worse loot, thus forcing you to play with people, thus for those of us who have lives or a wife having a hard time to organize such an event which is kinda flawed. This could of been solved by a difficulty system IMO. Which comes to the next point a "bad guy" who is a few levels ahead of you is unfairly stronger than you making it almost impossible to kill them or impossible until leveling up more. I guess it wasn't such a big deal in the end but it would of been nice to knock it down a notch because even skill didn't seem to be enough at some points. The end boss was lack luster. You have to do a lot to just get there and the boss is fairly boring and mundane. I felt when I finished the game that it wasn't over but it was sadly*sigh*. What to hope for in border lands 2: Better boss's or end boss's. Make the story more epic. Maybe optional special boss fighting for the brave of heart? better loot system so single players can obtain more loot. Other than that game was awesome.